Best of Show Award
Best of Class Awards

Premier Awards
Champion Awards
Love That Lark!
1959 Studebaker Lark Deluxe, Jim & Elaine Hoglund
1963 Studebaker Lark Daytona, Mark Enlow
Flathead Fords
1934 Ford Deluxe Tudor Sedan, Ray Schuler
1938 Ford Standard Coupe, Paul & Patrice Modlin
Disco Decade Rides
1976 Lincoln Continental Mark IV Givenchy, Humberto & Bibiana Garcia
1970 Australian Motor Industries Rambler Gremlin Darryl A. Salisbury
The Mustang at 60
1965 Ford Mustang Convertible, Kathi & Alan Richarz
1974 Ford Mustang II Mach I, Alan G. Hartman
The Morris Garages
1937 MG SA Tickford Drophead Convertible, Shawn Miller
1952 MG TD, Doug & Mike Jansen
Ultimate Luxury I
1931 Studebaker President State Sedan, Larry and Patricia Gardon
1917 Cole 860 Toursedan - Springfield, Kevin Fleck
Ultimate Luxury ii
1936 Packard Eight Sedan, Stephen & Barbara Burke
1935 Auburn 851 Sedan, Graham DeLynn Geiger
The centennial club
1917 Hudson Seven Passenger Limousine, Gene & Patti Birdsall
1904 Ford Model A, Timothy J. Wiggins
Chrysler centennial
1963 Imperial Crown Convertible, George & Diane Mazurek
de-lovely and dynamic: desoto
1957 Desoto Adventurer Two Door Hardtop, Mike Anderson
Competition classics: the pre-war era
1932 Studebaker Special #18, Jamie Cleary
1927 Ford Model T Racer, Dave Szumowski